Organizing and Scaling React Projects Effectively

12 min read
ReactArchitectureJavaScriptBest Practices

There is no consensus on the right way to organize a React application. React gives you a lot of freedom, but with that freedom comes the responsibility of deciding on your own architecture. Often the case is that whoever sets up the application in the beginning throws almost everything in a components folder, or maybe components and containers if they used Redux, but I propose there's a better way. I like to be deliberate about how I organize my applications so they're easy to use, understand, and extend.

I'm going to show you what I consider to be an intuitive and scalable system for large-scale production React applications. The main concept I think is important is to make the architecture focused on feature as opposed to type, organizing only shared components on a global level and modularized all the other related entities together in the localized view.

Tech assumptions

Since this article will be opinionated, I'll make some assumptions about what technology the project will be using:

  • Application - React (Hooks)
  • Global state management - Redux, Redux Toolkit
  • Routing - React Router
  • Styles - Styled Components
  • Testing - Jest, React Testing Library

I don't have a very strong opinion about the styling, whether Styled Components or CSS modules or a custom Sass setup is ideal, but I think Styled Components is probably one of the best options for keeping your styles modular.

I'm also going to assume the tests are alongside the code, as opposed to in a top-level tests folder. I can go either way with this one, but in order for an example to work, and in the real world, decisions need to be made.

Everything here can still apply if you're using vanilla Redux instead of Redux Toolkit. I would recommend setting up your Redux as feature slices either way.

I'm also ambivalent about Storybook, but I'll include what it would look like with those files if you choose to use it in your project.

For the sake of the example, I'll use a "Library App" example, that has a page for listing books, a page for listing authors, and has an authentication system.

Directory Structure

The top level directory structure will be as follows:

  • assets - global static assets such as images, svgs, company logo, etc.
  • components - global shared/reusable components, such as layout (wrappers, navigation), form components, buttons
  • services - JavaScript modules
  • store - Global Redux store
  • utils - Utilities, helpers, constants, and the like
  • views - Can also be called "pages", the majority of the app would be contained here

I like keeping familiar conventions wherever possible, so src contains everything, index.js is the entry point, and App.js sets up the auth and routing.

. └── /src ├── /assets ├── /components ├── /services ├── /store ├── /utils ├── /views ├── index.js └── App.js

I can see some additional folders you might have, such as types if it's a TypeScript project, middleware if necessary, maybe context for Context, etc.


I would set up the system to use aliases, so anything within the components folder could be imported as @components, assets as @assets, etc. If you have a custom Webpack, this is done through the resolve configuration.

module.exports = {
  resolve: {
    extensions: ['js', 'ts'],
    alias: {
      '@': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),
      '@assets': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/assets'),
      '@components': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/components'),
      // ...etc

It just makes it a lot easier to import from anywhere within the project and move files around without changing imports, and you never end up with something like ../../../../../components/.


Within the components folder, I would group by type - forms, tables, buttons, layout, etc. The specifics will vary by your specific app.

In this example, I'm assuming you're either creating your own form system, or creating your own bindings to an existing form system (for example, combining Formik and Material UI). In this case, you'd create a folder for each component (TextField, Select, Radio, Dropdown, etc.), and inside would be a file for the component itself, the styles, the tests, and the Storybook if it's being used.

  • Component.js - The actual React component
  • Component.styles.js - The Styled Components file for the component
  • Component.test.js - The tests
  • Component.stories.js - The Storybook file

To me, this makes a lot more sense than having one folder that contains the files for ALL components, one folder that contains all the tests, and one folder that contains all the Storybook files, etc. Everything related is grouped together and easy to find.

. └── /src └── /components ├── /forms │ ├── /TextField │ │ ├── TextField.js │ │ ├── TextField.styles.js │ │ ├── TextField.test.js │ │ └── TextField.stories.js │ ├── /Select │ │ ├── Select.js │ │ ├── Select.styles.js │ │ ├── Select.test.js │ │ └── Select.stories.js │ └── index.js ├── /routing │ └── /PrivateRoute │ ├── /PrivateRoute.js │ └── /PrivateRoute.test.js └── /layout └── /navigation └── /NavBar ├── NavBar.js ├── NavBar.styles.js ├── NavBar.test.js └── NavBar.stories.js

You'll notice there's an index.js file in the components/forms directory. It is often rightfully suggested to avoid using index.js files as they're not explicit, but in this case it makes sense - it will end up being an index of all the forms and look something like this:


import { TextField } from './TextField/TextField'
import { Select } from './Select/Select'
import { Radio } from './Radio/Radio'

export { TextField, Select, Radio }

Then when you need to use one or more of the components, you can easily import them all at once.

import { TextField, Select, Radio } from '@components/forms'

I would recommend this approach more than making an index.js inside of every folder within forms, so now you just have one index.js that actually indexes the entire directory, as opposed to ten index.js files just to make imports easier for each individual file.


The services directory is less essential than components, but if you're making a plain JavaScript module that the rest of the application is using, it can be handy. A common contrived example is a LocalStorage module, which might look like this:

. └── /src └── /services ├── /LocalStorage │ ├── LocalStorage.service.js │ └── LocalStorage.test.js └── index.js

An example of the service:


export const LocalStorage = {
  get(key) {},
  set(key, value) {},
  remove(key) {},
  clear() {},
import { LocalStorage } from '@services'



The global data store will be contained in the store directory - in this case, Redux. Each feature will have a folder, which will contain the Redux Toolkit slice, as well as actions and tests. This setup can also be used with regular Redux, you would just create a .reducers.js file and .actions.js file instead of a slice. If you're using sagas, it could be .saga.js instead of .actions.js for Redux Thunk actions.

. └── /src ├── /store │ ├── /authentication │ │ ├── /authentication.slice.js │ │ ├── /authentication.actions.js │ │ └── /authentication.test.js │ ├── /authors │ │ ├── /authors.slice.js │ │ ├── /authors.actions.js │ │ └── /authors.test.js │ └── /books │ ├── /books.slice.js │ ├── /books.actions.js │ └── /books.test.js ├── rootReducer.js └── index.js

You can also add something like a ui section of the store to handle modals, toasts, sidebar toggling, and other global UI state, which I find better than having const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false) all over the place.

In the rootReducer you would import all your slices and combine them with combineReducers, and in index.js you would configure the store.


Whether or not your project needs a utils folder is up to you, but I think there are usually some global utility functions, like validation and conversion, that could easily be used across multiple sections of the app. If you keep it organized - not just having one helpers.js file that contains thousands of functions - it could be a helpful addition to the organization of your project.

. └── src └── /utils ├── /constants │ └── countries.constants.js └── /helpers ├── validation.helpers.js ├── currency.helpers.js └── array.helpers.js

Again, the utils folder can contain anything you want that you think makes sense to keep on a global level. If you don't prefer the "multi-tier" filenames, you could just call it validation.js, but the way I see it, being explicit does not take anything away from the project, and makes it easier to navigate filenames when searching in your IDE.


Here's where the main part of your app will live: in the views directory. Any page in your app is a "view". In this small example, the views line up pretty well with the Redux store, but it won't necessarily be the case that the store and views are exactly the same, which is why they're separate. Also, books might pull from authors, and so on.

Anything within a view is an item that will likely only be used within that specific view - a BookForm that will only be used at the /books route, and an AuthorBlurb that will only be used on the /authors route. It might include specific forms, modals, buttons, any component that won't be global.

The advantage of keeping everything domain-focused instead of putting all your pages together in components/pages is that it makes it really easy to look at the structure of the application and know how many top level views there are, and know where everything that's only used by that view is. If there are nested routes, you can always add a nested views folder within the main route.

. └── /src └── /views ├── /Authors │ ├── /AuthorsPage │ │ ├── AuthorsPage.js │ │ └── AuthorsPage.test.js │ └── /AuthorBlurb │ ├── /AuthorBlurb.js │ └── /AuthorBlurb.test.js ├── /Books │ ├── /BooksPage │ │ ├── BooksPage.js │ │ └── BooksPage.test.js │ └── /BookForm │ ├── /BookForm.js │ └── /BookForm.test.js └── /Login ├── LoginPage │ ├── LoginPage.styles.js │ ├── LoginPage.js │ └── LoginPage.test.js └── LoginForm ├── LoginForm.js └── LoginForm.test.js

Keeping everything within folders might seem annoying if you've never set up your project that way - you can always keep it more flat, or move tests to its own directory that mimics the rest of the app.


This is my proposal for a sytem for React organization that scales well for a large production app, and handles testing and styling as well as keeping everything together in a feature focused way. It's more nested than the traditional structure of everything being in components and containers, but that system is a bit more dated due to Redux being much easier to implement with Hooks, and "smart" containers and "dumb" components no longer being necessary.

It's easy to look at this system and understand everything that is needed for your app and where to go to work on a specific section, or a component that affects the app globally. This system may not make sense for every type of app, but it has worked for me. I'd love to hear any comments about ways this system can be improved, or other systems that have merit.