Setting Up Your Mac for Software Development
Last Updated: 17/01/2025
I have to set up a MacBook Pro fairly often - when starting a new job and when buying a new personal computer. I created this article back in 2024 when I got my first Mac and have been updating it ever since with whatever I need as my job evolves. I'm primarily a full-stack web developer, so most of my needs will revolve around JavaScript/Node.js.
Currently, this article has been updated to work for macOS 15 Sequoia.
Getting Started
The setup assistant will launch once you turn the computer on. Enter your language, time zone, Apple ID, and so on. The first thing you should do is update macOS to get the latest security updates and patches.
- Install apps via Homebrew
- Shell setup with zsh
- Set up Node via nvm
- Set up git config
- Set up SSH keys and config
- macOS settings
- Application settings
Install the Homebrew package manager. This will allow you to install almost any app from the command line.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Make sure everything is up to date.
brew update
Install Apps
Here are a few shell programs I always use:
Shell Program | Purpose |
git | Version control |
Here are some the applications I always install (GUI apps use the --cask
flag in Homebrew):
Do not install Node.js through Homebrew. Use nvm (below).
Application | Purpose |
Visual Studio Code | text editor |
Google Chrome | web browser |
Firefox | web browser |
Rectangle | window resizing |
iTerm2 | terminal |
Docker | development |
Discord | communication |
Slack | communication |
Spotify | music |
Postgres | database |
Postman | API tool |
Obsidian | Notes |
Todoist | Todos |
App installation
## Shell Programs
brew install git
# GUI programs
brew install --cask \
visual-studio-code \
google-chrome \
firefox \
rectangle \
iterm2 \
docker \
discord \
slack \
spotify \
postgres \
obsidian \
Catalina comes with zsh as the default shell. Install Oh My Zsh for sensible defaults.
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
You can add shortcuts to your shell by going to ~/.zshrc
and using the alias
Using an M1 Mac, you might at some point need to switch between the Apple Silicon (ARM64) and AMD64 architecture. You can add these aliases to switch between them easily.
alias x86="env /usr/bin/arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh --login"
alias arm="env /usr/bin/arch -arm64 /bin/zsh --login"
Run uname -m
to see arm64
or x86_64
to see the hardware that is currently running.
Use Node Version Manager (nvm) to install Node.js. This allows you to easily switch between Node versions, which is essential.
curl -o- | bash
Install the latest version.
nvm install node
Restart terminal and run the final command.
nvm use node
Confirm that you are using the latest version of Node and npm.
node -v
npm -v
For later, here's how to update nvm.
nvm install node --reinstall-packages-from=node
Change version
Here's how to switch to another version and use it.
nvm install xx.xx
nvm use xx.xx
And to set the default:
nvm alias default xx.xx
The first thing you should do with Git is set your global configuration.
touch ~/.gitconfig
Input your config and create some aliases.
name = Your Name
email =
user = username
a = add
cm = commit -m
s = status
p = push
co = checkout
fp = fetch --prune --all
l = log --oneline --decorate --graph
autoSetupRemote = true
With the above aliases, I can run git s
instead of git status
, for example. It will also automatically set up your remote, so you can do git push
on a branch without specifying the upstream origin.
Generate SSH key
You can generate an SSH key to distribute.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
Start ssh-agent.
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
Add key.
ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Simplify the process of sshing into other boxes with your SSH config file. Create ~/.ssh/config
if it does not already exist.
Add the following contents, changing the variables for any hosts that you connect to. Using the below will be the same as running ssh -i ~/.ssh/key.pem
Host *
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Host myssh
User user
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key.pem
Now just run the alias to connect.
ssh myssh
macOS Settings
I don't like a lot of the Apple defaults so here are the things I always change.
To get the Home folder in the finder, press CMD + SHIFT + H and drag the home folder to the sidebar.
- Make Google Chrome default browser
- Automatically hide and show Dock
- Show indicators for open applications
- Key Repeat -> Fast
- Delay Until Repeat -> Short
- Disable "Correct spelling automatically"
- Disable "Capitalize words automatically"
- Disable "Add period with double-space"
- Disable "Use smart quotes and dashes"
Security and Privacy
- Allow apps downloaded from App Store and identified developers
- Turn FileVault On (makes sure SSD is securely encrypted)
- Change computer name
- Make sure all file sharing is disabled
Users & Groups
- Add "Rectangle" to Login items
A few more commands to change some defaults.
# Show Library folder
chflags nohidden ~/Library
# Show hidden files
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
# Show path bar
defaults write ShowPathbar -bool true
# Show status bar
defaults write ShowStatusBar -bool true
# Prevent left and right swipe through history in Chrome
defaults write AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool false
Application Settings
- Install uBlock Origin
- Install React DevTools
- Install Redux DevTools
- Install Duplicate Tab Shortcut
- Settings -> Set theme to "Dark"
Visual Studio Code
Press CMD + SHIFT + P and click "Install code command in PATH".
Now you can use code {file}
to open any file in VSCode.
View Dotfiles for keyboard shortcuts and settings
- Install New Moon Theme
- Install GitLens
- Install Highlight Matching Tag
- Install ESLint
- Install Prettier
- Install Jest
- Install Jest Runner
- Full Screen: CMD + SHIFT + ' (prevents messing with other commands)
- Left Half: CMD + OPTION + LEFT
- Right Half: CMD + OPTION + RIGHT
For some reason, iTerm2 does not let you use ⌥ + ← and → to tab through words in the terminal by default. I found this article to fix it: [Use ⌥← and ⌥→ to jump forwards / backwards]
Go to Profiles -> Keys:
- Change ⌥← via "Send Escape Sequence" with b
- Change ⌥→ via "Send Escape Sequence" with f
That sums it up for my current preferences on setting up a MacBook Pro. I hope it helped speed up your process or gave you ideas for the next time you're setting one up.